Snow Day?!

Today, instead of a snow day, we have remote learning. Some people think this is a good choice while others do not. What do you think. Should a snow day just be a day off or (since we have the technology and skills) should we do a remote learning day? Make sure you explain your thinking! Use details, examples, and your own thoughts as you elaborate to create a quality response. Who knows, other people may make decisions based on your thinking!

13 thoughts on “Snow Day?!

  1. 100 WC 3/15/2021 Elli

    I think snow days should be off. I think this because sometimes kids want an extra break from school. I also think this because kids rather play in the snow than do remote learning online. Also one day of no school isn’t going to hurt we can just make it up some other day.

  2. By Thien
    Snow Day!?

    I think we should not have a snow day because, when we are learning it’s better than just playing around and maybe if we play in the snow too much we might get sick. And I think snow day it’s only for days that have too much snow that causes the internet to not work sometimes so that you can’t learn or there’s too much snow to drive to school, and it’s just one or two days maybe you might be lucky and can go for a snow day at saturday, or sunday, or after school you can go play.

  3. I think snow days should always be the same. Kids are going to feel worse now because COVID is ruining everything. SO I think it should stay the same. Traditional. Plus kids can get more exercise because they sit on a chair ALL day and do nothing. SO I think snow days should stay the same.

  4. Snow day

    I think that we should not have snow days because it helps us not have to miss any days of work. It also helps us stay concentrated on school for the whole time so we don’t forget anything important like projects and stuff. So I think that snow days should stay the same.

  5. I do not think that it is a good idea to have a remote snow day. Some people think it is a good idea I don’t because we could be getting exercise instead. Even though there are 180 days of school we can’t afford to take at least one or two days off. I understand if you take a week off then do remote learning. but if it’s just for a day then maybe let us play in the snow. I think this because we need exercise instead of being cooped up in our houses learning things.Overall we should get the day off.

  6. Ella

    I think that we should have Snow days instead of remote learning days. My first reason why I think this is because snow days help families bond by sledding together,sking together,building a snow man,ETC. Being cooped up inside in front of their computer. This is bad for both their physical and mental heath. Yesterday we were eating dinner and my mom’s phone starts ringing. The whole family was crossing their fingers for a snow day. But that did not work because all we heard was,”We are calling to inform that semper elementary will continue with a remote learning day on March,15th.” And me and my sister Maci started growning. I do not think remote snow days should even exist.

  7. Snow days
    I think snow day should be off because sometimes kids need some extra time to themselves and what is the point of the snow if you can’t have a snow day to play in the snow. Sometimes kids want a day to relax and get away the feelings of getting school work done.(especially with covid)

  8. Olivia

    I think we should have a snow day because it will get kids outside and have fun. Another reason we should have snow days is because we have a hole year to learn and sometimes kids need a little break instead of having to do more schoolwork

  9. Brooke
    100wc march 15
    I think that we should have a snow day without remote learning. This is because when it snows kids usually want to go sledding, skiing, making snowman’s, having a snowball fight and more. Another reason why I think we should have snow day is because it is fun to have no school while there is crazy weather outside. Also online school is on the computer and that is bad for your brain and eyes, even though we do use computers in school we do everything on the computer for online schools like, zoom meeting, work, contacting your teachers, and more.

  10. i think SHOULD have a snow day, because with snow days, instead of sitting down all day and learning things, you can be physically active outside so you will be able to get exercise, have fun, AND if you wear a mask and social distance, play with your friends! you get a three in one combo! also you won’t be sitting down all day in front of the computer! also, i personally think that it’s better to spend your time building snow forts and doing snowball fights than learning stuff.

  11. Ayden 100 Wc Snow Days

    I think that we should have snow days instead of remote learning. Snow days are fun because you get to go outside and go sledding, build a snowman, or have a snowball fight with your family. There is no school, just fun all day making memories and drinking hot chocolate. If we are doing remote learning then we have to get up early and focus on school work when we should be having fun. We might miss some school work but I don’t think one or two days is that much to miss. We can always catch up later.

  12. Bray 3-17-2021 Snow days

    I believe we should have snow days because kids need time off of school and have fun for just a day because we go to school 5 days a week most of the time if all of us have one day off to just hang out go sled or do something its not going to hurt us much missing 1 or 2 days . My opinion is that snow days should come back.

  13. Snow days
    I think snow day should be off because what is the point of the snow if you can’t have a snow day to play in the snow.Sometimes kids want a day to relax and get away from the feelings of getting school work done.(especially with covid)

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