The World Turned Upside Down

After the British surrender at Yorktown, the song that was played was “The world Turned Upside Down”. Why was this song played? What does it mean?

14 thoughts on “The World Turned Upside Down

  1. Why it was called the world is upside down maybe because. England was in control and they were on top so in a sense they are on top of the world. America was at the bottom so when America won the war England fell to the bottom so in a sense the world was upside down.

  2. Ella
    I think that the reason why this song was played is because British changed after the Yorktown war. The British were broken apart from America. And the British were a great part of America. For the British this was a big deal because they just lost like half of their country. And for the British it really was like their world was turned upside down.

  3. I think that when they said the world is upside down they meant that they just won so everything would be different. I say this because now they are a free country and England can’t do anything to them and I would guess that when you start a new country thing would be really different and some people said the world is upside down because everything is so different

  4. I think they said “The World Turned Upside Down” because the British gave up and they surrendered. I think this because they were happy that the British gave up and decided that they could be free. Another reason why I think they said “The World Turned Upside Down” is because they knew that the world would turn upside down meaning the world will be different and a better place.

  5. 100 WC 3/17/2021 Elli

    I think people played the song “The World Turned Upside Down” because Yorktown was the last battle and when they were done with the battle the Americans won and they basically won their rights so the British got turned upside down because the Americans won.

  6. The World Turned Upside Down

    The reason that everybody called it the world upside down is because some little colonists and France had defeated the world’s most powerful country. Which meant that now they were not the most powerful people because they had been beaten. So it had turned upside down because they had just been beaten by pretty much themselves because the colonists were technically still England citizens so it turned upside down.

  7. The World Turned Upside Down
    The song was played because the world had seemed like it had turned upside down because now America was a free country.This song means that America was free of Britain.The song also explains how they won the war.¨The World Turned Upside Down¨ is a good fit for the song because like I said earlier it seemed like the world had turned upside down.Over all the song was played because the war was won and the song means that we had freedom.

  8. Bray 3-17-2021

    I think that this song was played because the people who were in this war there lives probably changed drastically. Because they probably didn’t get to see there family’s or there loved ones. And because they probably were injured . And just because this was a long war in general. They could most likely get P.T.S.D from all the fighting the gun shooting and blood and seeing people die. That stuff could scar someone for life.

  9. I think the song ¨The World was Turned Upside Down¨ was played because when your upside down everything is different and during when all of this happened , the world was nowhere near to freedom but they were close as in the world being upside down .

  10. The people in Yorktown called Yorktown “The World Turned Upside-down” because when the British troops surrendered, they started playing the song “The World Turned Upside-down”.

  11. Willow March 17,2021

    The British were saying The World Turned Upside Down because the British wanted to win the war. The world was turned upside down because the opposite happened for Great Britain. They were playing the song because they were symbolising their surrender from the americans.

  12. Cera
    The song The World Turned Upside Down was played because for the British the war was not going their way and they had to means they did not win the war and they were sad and mad about not winning the war.

  13. The world Turned Upside Down means it changes the world and people make a new life and this is how t was before the world turned Upside Down for example “he wrote we fight ,get beat , rise, and fight again ” .

  14. Brooke

    I think that they named it The World Turned Upside Down because the Patriots won and now America was theirs and they were in control now and it was different now.

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