100 Word Challenge September 14, 2020

100 Word Challenge!!

When you submit your comment you need to title the comment like this

100WC September 14 Eddie   —-EXAMPLE

  • 100WC
  • The Date
  • Your first name

Remember, type your prompt as a google doc first. Do not paste it in as a comment until you are sure it is complete, titled correctly, proofread for spelling, capital letters, grammar, and punctuation, and is between 95-105 words!

Then post your comment!

This week, we have a picture! You can really be creative with this one!

17 thoughts on “100 Word Challenge September 14, 2020

  1. Elli 100WC 9-16
    Once upon a time there was a guy named Jerry who delivered pumpkins on halloween. One day a family ordered a lot of pumpkins. The family ordered two big pumpkins, three medium pumpkins and 1 small pumpkin. The family lived one mile away from where he grows pumpkins so he put all the pumpkins in one big basket and got on his old rusty bike. He then began to start riding to the family’s house. When Jerry came closer to the family’s house he started going faster on his bike because his legs were tired and he was happy to have a rest until he saw a black cat on the road he couldn’t stop because of how fast he was going so he turn on the side of the road and flew into a pile of hay. After that he had to go to the hospital because he broke one of his legs and after he quit his job.

  2. By Max sept.15

    Once there was a mail man that for some reason always had bad luck. If he threw the paper at the peoples door he would run into a tree if he placed it at there steps he would slip and get hurt. He was so sick of it that he ended up quitting he was so mad at everything that when he got home a ghost told him that if he stopped he would be poor and never get a job. So the man decided to keep going and try something new but that just caws it to get hit with hay on halloween “done” he said

  3. 100WC Cera 9-16
    The picture looks like a person ran into a bucket of pumpkins and a hay stack on his bike.It looks like it was in a front yard or a backyard with no fence.And the bucket also had some radishes or moldy apples.It also looks like a Halloween decoration because the pumpkins can be for Halloween. It looks like the person went head first into the hay stack from his bike.I bet he was not looking where he was going and he hit the hay stack.The bike looks old fashioned.The bike is rusty and old.

  4. 9-15-2020 Ella 100 wc

    One day I was riding my rusty old bike on my driveway and I spotted some pumpkins in a bucket and a huge hay bail roll. So I rode my bike down the driveway and than all of the sudden I heard a loud metal “Clunk!” And then my bike started to shake and then I started to scream at the top of my lungs “Help I am too cool to die!” And then I looked foward and guess what I saw? THE HUGE HAY BAIL ROLL! “AHHHHHHHH!” I screamed even louder! And then Into the hay bail I went.

  5. 100 word challenge Jake September 16

    One day a man named Steve was at his house you see he just woke up it was 9:00 AM Steve had to get to his job he worked at taco bell when he was going to in his car he looked over and saw a man stuck in a hay bale and his bike on the ground the man had just gone to the store to get some pumpkins and apples they were on the ground too Steve went over to help him out the guys name was Robert because Steve helped him they are now really good friends

  6. 100WC Olivia September 16
    One time I had a job to do. I had to deliver pumpkins and apples to this house far away. They gave me his old rusted bike to ride over there. So then I started my long bike ride.
    I was about 30 minutes in. My legs were about to fall off. Then I saw a cow running after me. I started pedaling even harder.
    Then I saw up ahead a hay bale I was going so fast that I could not stop. But then I fell right in the center of the hay bale.
    All of the apples and pumpkins went flying.

  7. Matti 100 Word Challenge Sept. 16
    So one day there was this guy who was riding his bike when he came to a farm there where pigs,sheep.He saw his friend over there so he stopped to talk to him.”How’s the farm he said?” The other guy answered “Good the pigs and that are all good.We just got a few new blooms if you want some?” The other guy said “Ok!” So off the first guy went he past the pigs and sheep.He looked back and when he turned around there was hay and he went into the hay stuck like that.

  8. 100WC Brooke Sept.14

    One beautiful Fall day I had a basket full of pumpkins and apples that I picked from a friend’s farm. I bowed my grandpa’s old rusty bike from the 1950’s. I was riding home from my friends house with my grandpas old rusty bike and i saw a field of haystacks and i was paying attention to this haystack that had a black crow on it than than when i looked forward again “BOOM” in a second i was in the middle of a hay stack with all my pumpkins and apples and my grandpa’s bike was on the floor.

  9. 100wc 9-16-2020 Bray

    Today I was walking outside and I saw a Goat he was poking his head out of the hay. Then when he came out he tried to ride the bicycle right in front but he didn’t manage to do it.And then it saw an avalanche of pumpkins he hopped over all them except one one sent him to the ground but not before him tumbling and the funny thing is he went right back into the hay that was a weird thing to see then the hay rolled down the hill almost hit me but i dodged it bye goat.

  10. The picture looks like a person ran into hay on his bike. And the bucket looks like it has rotten onions in it.It also looks like a Halloween decoration because of all the pumpkins.He probably ran in because he was on his phone or something.like Cera said “The bike looks old fashioned.The bike is rusty and old.” it looks very funny, not really scary. It looks like he crashed into the hay in a neighborhood.It also kind of looks like it was raining. Im wondering why his shoes are so muddy though.And I think the guy is a farmer. The neighborhood looks very pretty.

  11. There was a guy names Hector and he was riding a bike filled with Pumpkins and apples but then there was a cat the cat was in his way he almost ran over the cat but he slid one of his apples fell then his bike flu in the air he screams then he slid down the hill his bike landed by a big roll of hay then he got up and was looking for his bike then there was a banana and he tripped over it in to the hay then his apples and his pumpkins we’re all over the place everybody was mad because half of the stuff was messed up with pumpkin and apples.

  12. 100WC september 14 Nathan
    On a beautiful Saturday morning I was riding my bike and there was a row of rocks on the trail.And I crashed and rolled all the way doune mountain.then i went home and i took a nap for an entire two years. and another three years.
    Then I got up and I went on a hike and did two more that were a mile. So I went to ten funerals. Then I got a package from my sister,brother,ten other sisters,and my ten other brothers. That’s the end of the day I crashed my bike bye bye bye bye see you soon sea by:NATHAN

  13. One day a kid named Sid was selling pumpkins and he did not like this job. After he was done selling pumpkins a lady came and said “will you rake my leaves?” He said “ok”. Then they went to her house. It was a really long walk. About 3 miles so when they got there he raked her leaves. It was bizarre because the leaves went up to his knee. It took about an hour to take them all. Then he had to go back to the pumpkin stand. A lady just asked him to deliver some pumpkins to her. Then he rode his bike and ran into hay.

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