100 Word Challenge January 11 Week 16

When you submit your comment you need to title the comment like this 100WC January 11 Eddie

* 100WC

*The Date

*Your first name

Remember, type your prompt as a google doc first. Do not paste it in as a comment until you are sure it is complete, titled correctly, proofread for spelling, capital letters, grammar, and punctuation, and is between 95-105 words! Then post your comment! This week, what was it ?????????

(make sure to include this phrase somewhere in your prompt. It can be the start of a sentence, in the middle of a sentence, or at the end of a sentence)

… everything stopped and…

22 thoughts on “100 Word Challenge January 11 Week 16

  1. Avita 100wc 1-12-21
    My name is Ezzah and I’m gonna tell you a story. So me and my sisters were on the trampoline and my foot slipped and fell off. Suddenly everything started spinning and everything stopped. When I woke up, I was in the hospital. Doctors surrounded me and a lady was standing next to me. Everyone was yelling “She’s awake! She’s awake!” I asked who the lady was and she said she was my mom. She started crying. I didn’t understand anything. Suddenly a doctor came up to the lady and said “Ma’m, I think your daughter has memory loss.” I wasn’t really scared, but I got used to it.

    1. Hi Avita,
      I enjoyed reading your story. Well done.
      It sounds like you hit your head when you fell off the trampoline. Hopefully your memory will come back with time.
      Good work this week.

      Happy New Year to you and your classmates.
      Keep writing in 2021

      Mrs Boyce (Team 100WC)


  2. 100 WC 1/12/2021 Elli

    It was the morning of the diamond search my group had flown out to go to a mountain because we had heard there were a lot of diamonds there. Finally after a couple of hours we got there. There were so much people but we went to the place where there was no people and got the bombs out of the bag we put them on the side of the mountain and waited for the bombs to blow up then finally “bamm bamm bamm” when me and my group looked at the mountain it exploded but then suddenly everything stopped and the mountain started collapsing me and my group started running for our lives and made it back to our car we then began to drive off and we never saw that mountain again.

  3. Jake 100WC January 12

    Hey I’m Jack and well it’s 2021 now and like I said in my last 100WC I’m going to Florida. If you read my last 100WC you would also know FLORIDA IS MY FAVORITE STATE! Me and my parents just arrived at the airport and we are going through security. Once we got through security we started walking to the place where we got on the plane. We were on the plane now and I started to watch Avengers Endgame. Once we got there and it was like everything stopped and I died because I was so excited.

    1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your story Jake. And the ending 😂😂😂 So funny! Jack died because he was so excited 😂😂😂. Your writing really good stories. Keep up the good work!

  4. 100wc 1-12-21
    Once upon a time there lived a girl named Alison,she had magical powers of ice and she could freeze time,then one day she was exploring and she lost control of her powers,like it had a mind of its own and then everything stopped and she was the only person not frozen.She keeps trying to unfreeze,but it was useless,she cried,then all of sudden her powers started talking and they said “if you want time to unfreeze you will have to say Frozen” then she said “ok Frozen” then everything was back to normal and lived happily ever after.

    1. Cera,
      I especially like the line: had a mind of its own. You did a good job of finding a creative way to incorporate this week’s prompt. Fantasy is a fun genre, isn’t it? As the author you can make anything happen. What a relief for Alison, right?
      Keep writing.
      Mrs. G., Team 100, Guilderland, NY, USA

  5. By Max
    100WC 11-16

    Running from the dinosaur panting in exhaustion I get the time to hide behind the wall of the apartment trying to think how this happened how I’m running from a triceratops trying not to get hit. Then everything stopped and I realized how it all started. It started by opening the box with Ethan then hiding in the building then it comes down to this. My mind racing. Thinking how come it wasn’t a Trex like if I stop moving it won’t see me but it had to be a dinosaur that could see like come on. So my mind stops and the world is blurry. How did it come down to this?

    1. What an interesting story, Max. I like the way you move around in time, not starting with the thing that happened first. I also like the way you use lots of questions. It keeps your reader interested and wondering what is going on. I also like how you describe what is going on in your head, especially the short sentence ‘My mind is racing.’

  6. One day, two kids named Chace and Xavier were walking to the park, they passed a creepy looking mansion, they heard faint sounds of moaning. They both decided to go in there the next day. On the next day they packed a bunch of supplies and food, the door was already slightly already open, when they walked in everything stopped and then the door closed behind them! Then Chace stepped on something and they heard cli-ca-click. Then something shot at them, both of them ducked! they thought it was an arrow, except when they looked at it, they both gasped! It was a full-blown SPEAR!!!!!

    1. How brave Chace and Xavier are to go into a creepy mansion that has moaning sounds coming from it. Your use of onomatopoeia was appropriate as it allowed me to quickly infer that something would be shot toward them!
      Keep Writing!
      Mrs. Silver
      Team 100
      IL, USA

  7. Aniyah 100 word challenge week 16
    We have all had that one moment where everything stopped and you were in shock, whether it was a happy moment , like getting the present you always wanted , or someone surprising you with a family member or friend that you haven’t seen in a long time , but sometimes it could be a sad moment to like a loved one passing away, but one thing we all can agree on is we all have been through alot and, we all felt feeling. i have noticed how we all treat each other and it is not right . Why bully/makefun of someone younger or the same age as you when they have the pain you feel too no matter who you are choose to BE KIND💙🥀🦋.

    1. Aniyah, I so like your ‘we all felt feeling’. You are right to request that we live our lives respecting those about us, and most of all, being kind. This after all, is the way we ourselves would like to be treated.
      Thank you for sharing so honestly.
      Jackie (Team 100WC)
      New Zealand

  8. 100WC 1-13-2021 Bray

    One evening a family had been barbecuing some shrimp and steak. They were all talking and listening to music but all of a sudden they heard a noise and they all went to check it out. They saw it run past a bush. IT WAS A BEAR. When they all saw it everything stopped and the little boy woke up it was all a dream. He told his whole family about his weird dream. Once he had eaten and showered and was ready for the day he went to play outside, and then his mom said “ We’re having a barbecue tonight”. Oh boy!

    1. I loved how your ending links back to your beginning. I wonder if his dream (or nightmare) will come true. You used the prompt very well.

    2. Kia ora Bray. Well done, I really enjoyed your story. Yes, I’m thinking ‘oh no!’ that dream might just come true – bears really like shrimp and steak! You’ve set the scene really well, especially with your lead-in sentences. Great writing Bray – keep rising to the 100 Word Challenge!

  9. Alaya 100WC 1-15
    One day I was having a really bad day it was not a great day so I went to the forest end I went to my favorite spot in the forest by my tree house I laid up or get down on the ground I laid down looked up in the sky then everything stopped end I was in my happy place and went home after a few hours in the woods I was happy and now i’m happy and the rest of the day was fun at home with my family

  10. Friday, January 15
    100WC By Thien

    One day there was a kid name Jordan, Jordan likes to travel around the world with his parents one day they were trying to fly to england, and the plane got burn down Jordan was dropped in the ocean near a mysterious island but the other were flew to the water, Jordan swam as fast as possible to the mysterious island because his fear was sharks, at the island Jordan felt like sometimes things were frozen, Jordan lived on the island for couple of days, the 3rd day everything stopped and nothing could move he felt scared all of a sudden a helicopter saw Jordan they landed down and picked up Jordan to go back to his parents off they flying Jordan looked at the island from on top he said in his mind ‘ I will always remember the mysterious island I was on’.

  11. 100 WC January 15 Nathan

    I was driving home from high school and saw a dog on the highway, I could see he was hurt. I had a cage and a blanket. I made a trap by putting the trap down and the blanket over it. It took hours for the dog to come into the cage. I closed the cage. I took the dog to the vet. I opened the cage but he would not come out. Everything stopped and finally the dog came out. The vet took an x-ray that showed a broken leg. Once he was fixed up I took him home.

    1. Nathan-

      What a sweet story. Thanks for rescuing the dog and making sure it was properly treated at the vet. Even though this was a fictional story–I’m assuming–I bet you’re the kind of person who’d do exactly that! Do you have any pets?

      Thanks for sharing your story!
      Mrs. Rombach

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