100 Word Challenge February 15 Week 21

100 Word challenge February 15

When you submit your comment you need to put a heading on the comment like this

100WC February 15 Eddie

* 100WC
*The Date
*Your first name

Remember, type your prompt as a google doc first. Do not paste it in as a comment until you are sure it is complete, headed correctly, proofread for spelling, capital letters, grammar, and punctuation, and is between 95-105 words! Then post your comment!

This week we have a phrase. This can be anywhere in your prompt. It could be the beginning or end, beginning or end of a sentence, or somewhere in the middle.

… but it was heavier than I expected…

18 thoughts on “100 Word Challenge February 15 Week 21

  1. 100 word count Ella 2-18-2021

    It was a warm sunny Wednesday and I was out on my driveway playing some basketball. I heard my dad’s high pitch yell from the house,”Ronald Pineapple,get up here I need some help moving this bookshelf from your room into the moving van.” Oh right I forgot to tell you that we were moving today. I am going to miss this old house. “Coming!” I replied immediately. I ran upstairs into my bedroom. It looked so empty. The only thing that was left was my bookshelf. I attempted to lift the bookshelf up. But it was heavier than I expected.

  2. Austin feb 18th 100wc

    One day Jon woke up and said to himself I want to work out. So he went to the gym and did some push ups. And then the next day he worked harder and harder and then he made a protein shake. And then he started to do some pull ups and the next day he lifted weights. And he saw some big big weights. Said I am going to lift those someday so he pushed himself to get to that point. And he was almost ready. Then he thought he was at that point but he was not but it was heavier than I expected he said.

  3. Jake 100WC Feb18

    Hey I’m George and I can lift anything, even the entire earth. Wait wait wait at this time of my life I thought I could lift anything but the truth was I am very weak I’ve always been weak that’s why I say that I’m strong. One day I even said it to my bully and he challenged me to a weight lifting contest knowing that I would lose. I just said yes because I am no quitter. He gladly walked in and I didn’t, I was terrified and it was heavier than I expected so guess what I lost.

  4. 100WC Thu, Feb 18 By Thien

    Once upon a time there was a kid named Joe. He had a very nice family every single day he would go to school, at his school and his friend was very nice to him. Because whenever Joe’s friends needed stuff for school he would get them the stuff they needed, the school bell rang and it was the end of the day Joe and his friends would say bye to each other and went. On the way home Joe saw a metal on the street he was scared people would get hurt by it if he does not move it so Joe went to pick it up ‘ but it was heavier than I expected ‘, Joe said Joe’s friends saw him working hard so the came and help they all moved the metal away from the street as Joe was walking away he said ‘ Thanks for helping me guys ‘, so that’s the story of Joe and his friends.

  5. 100WC February 18 Nathan

    I wanted to adopt a dog. I decided to adopt a German Shepherd. I picked up the German Shepherd but it was heavier than I expected so I asked for some help to carry it to my car. Once I got home I brought the German Shepherd inside and played with my new friend all day. We played so much that when it got to my bedtime we both crashed. The next day I woke up and took a shower and brushed my teeth and got dressed. And I got to play with my German Shepherd all day!

  6. Welcome again! When we last left off Chace got stuck in a trap and Xavier was trying to help him, then they heard a stomp. (by the way this is the third part of my spooky story so far from 100 WC week 19 and 16) so now Xavier helps Chace out and they start running towards the exit, but there was a cupboard blocking it! stomp Me and Xavier tried to lift it, but it was heavier than I expected, heavier than what we both expected. We didn’t know where to go! Then, STOMP!!! We started running.

  7. By Max

    ¨Hah this is going to be as heavy as a feather¨ said the bully that bullies me. He came down just to bother me because I’m small and he’s really tall so usually just comes to annoy me. But he is talking about how he can lift a big rock although he has not shown me yet he’s a bad
    show off so he starts to lift it up and he says¨Wow this is heavier than I expected.¨ He leaves in disappointment that he did not bother me but hey now I can enjoy my day.

  8. 100wc
    Once there lived a girl an her name was Avery.She lived on a farm so she had to do a lot of chores.Once her dad was to lazy to get the mail and a package he said ¨Avery can you go get the mail and the package¨.And Avery’s mom said ¨Donald what if the package is heavy¨.Na¨Said Donald So Avery went to get the mail.Then she went to get the package.when she lifted it it was heavy.When she was inside her father asked her where was the package and she said ¨but it was heavier than I expected¨.

  9. Olivia 100WC 2/19/2021

    I was on a walk down by a little river. It was a really cold day. Then along the water I saw this big box. I had no clue what could be in it. I thought it could be a bike or a table. I ran straight to the box so I could open it. I tried to lift up but it was heavier than I expected. When I got it open there were three pigs inside the box. I was so shocked, I did not know what to do with them. So I grabbed the box and ran straight home.

  10. 100 WC 2/19/2021 Elli

    It was the day when my family and I were moving out of our old house my siblings and I volunteered to help so we started to bring stuff out of the house to the u-haul my siblings called first to bring out all the easy stuff so I got stuck with what my parents told me to bring out. When my family and I were almost done packing my parents called me to bring out a box. I didn’t know what was in it but I didn’t really help so I did what they said. By the time when I was outside I noticed the box was heavier than expected then I noticed it was my parents very expensive plates and teacups but luckily my siblings saw that it was heavy for me and helped me. At the end of the day I learned that I was supposed to take a different box.

  11. It was my Birthday. At four o’clock, it’s my birthday party! But the thing was, my best friend, Lilianna wasn’t coming because she moved to a different state. The 30 minutes felt like an eternity, but the next thing I knew, it was 4 o’clock! Everyone was a little late ut that was fine. It was now six o’clock and the doorbell rang. I opened it. “OH MY SUSHI!!!!! LILIANNA!!!!!! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!” She gave me my present and I began to open it. It was heavier than I expected. It was a hoverboard! “That’s what best friends are for.” Lilianna said.

  12. Brooke
    Friday Feb 19 100wc
    One day my mom and I decided to clean and move some furniture. My mom started to move the furniture in the kitten. When she was doing that I wanted to move the coach against the wall and move the TV to the opposite wall in our living room. I started to move the TV. I thought that was easy and next was the couch, so I started to lift the couch up but it was heavier than I expected, and thought I was doing something but I was not so my mom did it and my mom told me to just rearrange the silverware.

  13. Willow 100 WC Feb 18

    One day I was going to the grocery store and I tried to pick up a pineapple. But it was heavier than I expected so I tried to ask for help but there wasn’t a soul around. (well maybe). I took out my phone but it was dead. I ran to the door, it was locked, and I was trapped. Then I saw the ghost. It was gray, not blue like the movies. It looked like a girl like the girl that went missing 30 years ago in the store that was across the street at the old grocery store.

  14. Today my sister thought it was a good idea to make a lemonade stand today at 9:00 in the morning! I wouldn’t care what she was doing if we didn’t share the same room or if I wasn’t sleeping! I knew that any second she was going to wake me up as if she hadn’t already . I was right the minute I thought that I heard “ANIYAH I NEED HELP”! I got out of bed and went to the place where I heard her voice “can you take this table outside” . I tried to lift it but it was heavier than expected I tried to make an excuse to not pick it up then their he was oh no….

  15. 2-19-21 Bray,100WC

    One sunny morning I woke up to a bang on my door me being tired I forget everything I had ordered. I went to the door cautiously when I opened the door I saw the delivery man outside my apartment, and then I remembered I had ordered a few appliances but only one of them had came today. To be specific the fridge came today. I tried to get it in. I got them in but it was heavier then I expected. When set it up it looked great. But now I have to wait for the other appliances .

  16. It was fall and there was a pumpkin fest next week and I wanted to join so I’m going to grow a pumpkin to win but there was something weird about the seeds but i want to bed . The next morning there was a big pumpkin and I asked WHAT how it grew so fast. It was weird. I tried picking it up but it was heavier than I expected .The next week it was the contest Hoping I will win it was time so we all brought our pumpkins up they said the winner is Nareesha and That’s me

  17. Austin feb 18th 100wc

    One day Jon woke up and said to himself I want to work out. So he went to the gym and did some push ups. And then the next day he worked harder and harder and then he made a protein shake. And then he started to do some pull ups and the next day he lifted weights. And then he saw some big big weights. Said I am going to lift those someday so he pushed himself to get to that point. And he was almost ready. Then he thought he was at that point but he wasn’t so he said but it was heavier than I expected.

  18. 100 WC week 15 Matti
    One day my mom and I decided to go on a vacation to Montana so we could see grandma and grandpa.”Matti, start to pack your bags we leave in 30 minutes.” I packed my snow gear and long sleeve stuff.I went to get my bags and put them in the car, but it was heavier than I expected.When we got to the hotel a man took my bags and said that my bags were heavy and joked that I put an elephant in them.The vacation was fun but next time I want to go to California.

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